Configuring custom claim summary templates

ClaimMaster lets you configure custom templates for the summary paragraph. To do so, click "Configure Templates" from the dialog that comes up when you generate a summary. In addition, you can configure custom templates by clicking the "Configure Claim Summary Templates" button in the Preferences

Feature Options

The following options are available for specifying custom claim summary templates:

    1. Here you can select pre-existing templates or add new templates. Once you select a template, its text will appear in the “Summary Text” section of the window.
    2. Specifies the template name.
    3. Edit template text in this section. To specify a claim summary template, type the text in the "Summary Text" box. The software will replace placeholders (e.g., [NEW_CLAIMS]) with appropriate claim numbers. The software will also place verbs (e.g., is/are, etc) in proper singular or plural form to keep the summary grammatically correct. The following placeholders are available:

• [INDEP_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the independent claims

• [AMENDED_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the amended claims

• [NEW_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the new claims

• [WITHDRAWN_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the withdrawn claims

• [CANCELLED_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the canceled claim

• [PENDING_CLAIMS] - placeholder for all of the pending claims (i..e, all claims other than cancelled claims)

• [UNDER_CONSIDERATION_CLAIMS] - placeholder for the claims that are currently under considaration (i.e., all pending claims minus cancelled and withdrawn claims)

    1. Edit, add new, or delete templates
    2. Here you can specify the desired dash-type for grouped claim listings (regular dash, en-dash, or em-dash)
    3. Once you finish editing, save the existing templates using this buttons.