Importing bibliographic data into ClaimMaster from other docketing systems

It's easy to import data from other docketing systems into ClaimMaster's biblio cache, where this data can be reused to fill out headers in shells and IDS forms.  Most commercial docketing systems should allow you to export stored bibliographic data to a CSV file.  Once you have exported the data to a CSV file, you can then use our wizard to import this data inside ClaimMaster. 

To start the CSV import/mapping, switch to Import from CSV tab in the Biblio Data Cache settings dialog. Then specify the import CSV file, preview its columns,  map these columns to the data stored in the ClaimMaster cache, and finally complete the import.

Below is the a more detailed explanation of the options available in the wizard:

    1. Press this button to open a CSV file with the exported bibliographic information.
    2. If this checkbox is selected, the first line in the CSV line (typically containing column headings) will be skipped.
    3. A preview of the data loaded from the CSV file will be shown in this window.
    4. Here you need to map the information that is used by ClaimMaster to the specific column numbers in the previewed filed.  ClaimMaster cache uses the following information for the bibliographic data:

      • Application Serial No. (required)
      • Application filing date
      • Application title
      • 1st Inventor name
      • Applicant name
      • Patent No. (if exists)
      • Date patent issued (if exists)
      • Examiner
      • Art Unit
      • Customer No.
      • Docket No.
      • Confirmation No.
      • AIA status (yes/no)

Not all fields are required in the CSV, so if your CSV file doesn't contain this information, just set the field name to "skip". Note that application number is required.

    1. If this checkbox is selected, ClaimMaster will overwrite data for the existing entries already stored in cache with the information from the import.  If it's not selected, then entries in the imported file that already exist in cache will be ignored.
    2. Press this button to complete the import from a CSV file into biblio cache.  Once the cache is loaded, stored entries will be available from pull-down in the Shell and IDS tools: