Resetting ClaimMaster activation
Resetting ClaimMaster activation
When Microsoft Office is installed via a Click-to-Run deployment, you may experience issues with resetting activation date of ClaimMaster after the license has been renewed. To fix the issue, perform the following step in Windows 7, 8, or 10:
1) Close all Word documents. Also make sure you do not have stale Word processes hanging around (WINWORD.EXE) in Task Manager, as shown below.
2) Locate the desktop icon or executable for Microsoft Word (WINWORD.EXE, which can be found via a Windows search, as shown below). Right click on the Word icon/shortcut or WINWORD.exe and choose “Run as administrator” option.
3) Once Word starts, launch ClaimMaster > Help > About ClaimMaster and verify that the license expiration date has been updated in the dialog that shows up. This elevated Word launch needs to be done only once - after this, you can open Word normally.
For additional information on various activation error codes, please read here