Configuring application document shells

To edit document shell templates, perform the following steps inside the Patent Drafting Preferences window:

  1. Switch Template Type to "Document Shell" option:


  1. Select one of the configured document shell templates and then click on the Edit button in the lower right corner of the preferences window  (if you don't have any such templates configured or need to make a copy, create a new one using the Add or Duplicate buttons shown above):


  1. Edit the selected document shell template settings, then click on Accept Edits to save:

The following options are available from the above window:

    1. Specifies the name of the document shell template.
    2. Specifies the location of the document shell template.  Application/document shell is just a standard Word template (dotx) that can include the desired formatting, boilerplate language, and also the following optional replacement fields/sections to be filled out by ClaimMaster's various patent drafting tools:
        • [SUMMARY] - a placeholder for the Summary section that can be filled out with the Summary generation tool.
        • [BRIEF_FIGURES_DESC] - a placeholder for the Brief Description of Figures section that can be filled out with the Figures + descriptions generation tool.
        • [FIGURES_DESC]  - a placeholder for the figure descriptions section of the Specification that can be filled out with the Figures + descriptions generation tool.
        • [FLOWCHARTS_DESC] - a placeholder for the flowchart descriptions section of the Specification that can be filled out with the Flowcharts + descriptions generation tool.
        • [ORIGINAL_CLAIMS] -  a placeholder for original claims (if using another document as the claim source).
        • [CLONED_CLAIMS] -  a placeholder for the cloned claims section that can be filled out with the claim cloning tool.
        • [ABSTRACT] -  a placeholder for the Abstract that can be filled out with the Abstract generation tool.