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Patent Drafting Without Section 112 Errors

Patent Drafting Without Section 112 Errors
by claimmaster

As noted by Judge Newman “there are few, if any, legal documents more difficult to craft, more fraught with pitfalls than patent applications.” In this post we go over various drafting errors that could raise 35 U.S.C. 112 issues during litigation and discuss how to avoid them.

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Know How

10 Hidden ClaimMaster Features That Will Improve Your Efficiency

10 Hidden ClaimMaster Features That Will Improve Your Efficiency
by claimmaster

ClaimMaster features have grown steadily over the years and we’ve occasionally added features to address specific user requests. Some of these helpful ClaimMaster features might not be well-known to the casual users, so we’ll highlight them in this post to hopefully help you work a little more efficiently with our patent proofreading and patent drafting tools.

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