Patent Application Summary Drafting

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ClaimMaster includes  patent application drafting tools that let you to quickly generate the patent application Summary section from a set of selected claims. The conversion process uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques, but is highly customizable based on user-defined templates for Summary generation.

Take a look at the Summary generation demo below:

To convert one or more of the existing claims to the Summary section, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Summary Section Generation Tool

    From the ClaimMaster tab, click on the Patent Drafting Tools menuthen click on Generate Application Summary Section From Claims :

    Summary generation menu

  2. Select One or More Base Claims

    Select one or more of the claims to use as the base for the generated patent application Summary section. Method claims are preferred, but you can also specify other types. To help with the claim selection, if you hover over any claim number in the claim tree, you will be able to review the text of the claim in the small tooltip window that appears below the claim number.
    select claims for Summary generation

  3. Select Template and Preview the Generated Summary Section

    Select the desired Summary generation template. For more information on how to configure Summary generation templates, click here.
    Once you select the template, ClaimMaster will generate a Summary section in the preview window (based on the selected claims and template). You can make edits to the generated Summary directly into the preview window. When you insert the generated Summary into the document, the text from the preview window will be used for insertion. Note that re-selecting claims or picking a different template will reset the preview window, so your edits will be lost.

    set Summary generation preferences

  4. Insert the Generated Summary

    Once you are satisfied with the preview of the generated patent application Summary, proceed to insert the generated text into the document. You’ll do this by clicking the Insert Summary button. Prior to insertion, you can also specify whether to insert the generated text into the currently open document (at the current cursor location) or into a new document. Here you can also choose to insert the pre-configured Summary section that includes a header (i.e., best used for documents that do not include section replacement fields).

    next step after summary generation

    After you insert the generated Summary section, you can either close the Summary generation tool or click on the Next Steps button to proceed inserting other sections into the shell using the built-in workflow.

For more information on this feature, check out the Online Manual.