ClaimMaster has a handy patent drafting tool that lets you quickly generate a claim summary that lists the claims that are pending, cancelled, amended, etc. This is done based on your desired template language. Once the summary paragraph is generated, you can cut and paste its text into your response to the Office Action response or have the software insert the summary text directly into the open document.
To generate a summary of pending claims, perform the following steps:
- Launch the Claim Summary Tool
In ClaimMaster tab, click on the Time-Saving Tools menu, then Generate Summary of Pending Claims:
- Review the Claim Summary
Once this option is selected, ClaimMaster will bring up a dialog displaying the summary paragraph. You can now select the text and paste it into your Office Action response. Alternatively, to have ClaimMaster paste the claim paragraph into your documents automatically, select the “Paste claim summaries and claim trees into the open document” check-box in Preferences.
- Configure Claim Summary Templates (Optional)
ClaimMaster also lets you configure custom templates for the summary paragraph. To do so, click the Configure Template button from the dialog that comes up when you generate a summary. In addition, you can configure custom templates by clicking the Configure Claim Summary Templates button in the Preferences section.
When the settings dialog appears, you can select the pre-existing templates or add new templates. Once you select a template, its text will appear in the “Summary Text” section of the window.
Enter the template text in the “Summary Text” section to specify a claim summary template,. The software will replace placeholders (e.g., [NEW_CLAIMS]) with appropriate claim numbers based on their status identifier. The software will also place verbs (e.g., is/are, etc) in proper singular or plural form to keep the summary grammatically correct. The following placeholders are available:
• [INDEP_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the independent claims
• [AMENDED_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the amended claims
• [NEW_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the new claims
• [WITHDRAWN_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the withdrawn claims
• [PENDING_CLAIMS] – placeholder for all of the pending claims
• [CANCELLED_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the canceled claim
• [CURRENTLY_PENDING_CLAIMS] – placeholder for the currently pending claims
For more information on these features, check out the Online Manual.